Take the 2015 AUA Annual Census
The race is on! Once again this year AUA is promoting AUA Annual Census through a Census “race” between AUA sections. This friendly competition between sections helps encourage participation in the 2015 AUA Annual Census. Please take a few moments and participate in this important initiative to ensure the NYS section members are represented in the Census and section level analysis can be performed in the annual publication.
The AUA Annual Census will remain open until September 30th. We would like to request your continued support and assistance in promoting this important effort in your section. The census is available at http://www.AUAnet.org/takecensus

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For more than a century, the AUA has stood at the forefront in developing innovative, evidence-based quality education for urologists and urologic health professionals worldwide—throughout all stages of their careers. Through its Annual Meeting and other educational offerings, the AUA sets the highest standards for urology education worldwide. Learn more about the educational offerings of the AUA.