Stony Brook Urology Residency Program

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Program Stony Brook Urology Residency Program
Region North America
Location Stony Brook, NY
Type/Focus Endourology
Duration 5 Years

Stony Brook Medicine
101 Nichols Road
HSC T-9 Room 040
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8093

Department Urology

Lora Dempsey, C-TAGME

No. Residents Accepted Each Year 3
Program Description

Stony Brook’s Urology Residency Program is an ACGME fully-accredited five year training program which recruits three residents per year. The educational philosophy of our program is to provide the urology resident with an in-depth understanding of the practice of urology, including, but not limited to, patient care, communication skills, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, professionalism, and system-based practices. In addition to the six competencies, the department provides a strong understanding of the basic scientific, medical, and surgical principles of urology. The department believes that basic and clinical sciences should be integrated into the residency in order to cultivate a physician/urologic surgeon who is well versed not only in the technical aspects of the specialty, but also in a fundamental understanding of the disease processes which affect the urinary tract and the male genital system. The objectives of the urology resident education at Stony Brook are to:

  • Provide a strong didactic, educational environment focused on the six competencies listed above;
  • Provide a supervised surgical education with the appropriate evaluative tools;
  • Reinforce the concept of self-motivated education, which will serve the resident well in his/her practice in the community, in research, or in academics; and
  • Provide a strong understanding of the six competencies and emphasize how they are important to the functioning of the physician in today’s complex healthcare environment.

In summary, the overall emphasis of our program is to provide residents with a well-rounded educational experience that will prepare them for a productive and satisfying career in urology. Since the career goals of individual residents may differ, it is our goal to provide a broad base of urologic education from which any career path in urology can be achieved. Our program ensures that residents completing the program will meet the standards of professional excellence adopted by the American Board of Urology, and will be fully eligible for board certification.